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Here I will post blog entries from past months that I liked best and felt may be of some encouragement to writers, deaf or otherwise.

Postings from Previous Months

Writing about deaf issues as a deaf writer.  (10-22-03)

When I asked to be a monthly contributor for SIGNews, I had absolutely no idea what doors it would open for me. Because SIGNews is a newspaper for the deaf/HOH, it covers everything that has to do with deaf issues, and not just things related to sign language, as I previously thought.


As I set to work writing articles for the paper, I suddenly realized exactly what doing this meant for me. As I talked with people about deaf issues, explored several topics relating to the deaf and read posts on deaf message boards, I started to understand the importance of Deaf culture and why we need it. I started to understand just how many deaf/HOH people there are out there (64 million in the U.S. alone) and how being deaf doesn't have to make you feel so alone. I started to understand why sign language is important, why we need interpreters, why more deaf people should be given more rights and opportunities and the unfortunate stereotypes that still exist against the deaf.


In short, I started to understand just what kind of battle we deaf/HOH individuals face.


And while I don't spell "deaf" with a capital "D," in accordance with deaf culture, I am beginning to feel a sense of pride for being a part of it. But most of all, I feel a sense of pride that I am  actively  a part of it. Not only am I hearing about these issues or reading about them, but I am writing about them, too. I am bringing these problems we face, these issues we deal with to the forefront, making them known for all the world to see and read about.


When I was writing for the college paper, I loved every minute of it. It wasn't just talking with people that I enjoyed; it was the fact that I was bringing "news" to the college students. It gave me a sort of "adrenaline rush" that only a reporter can understand in chasing down the next "story." I was giving them information they could use and maybe needed. And now, writing these articles for SIGNews, I am doing the same thing. Only this time, the "news" I am writing about is more important and personal for me: It is news for all the deaf world to read.


I recently told a deaf friend of mine, who is a deaf activist, how much I have been enjoying writing these articles about deaf issues. Her response to me was, "It is quite liberating, isn't it?" Yes. It really is.



Trying to beat the mail. (11-30-03)


For the past week, I have been TRYING to get stuff mailed. I have copies of my poetry book to submit to reviewers, invoices to pay (especially with certain book clubs!) and orders to place for Christmas. Now, before, I have always been able to get stuff mailed from home because the mail carrier was usually not at my mailbox until at least 11 a.m. Yet, recently, it seems that I can never get the mail into the box early enough, because every time I try, the mail already came!! ARGH!!! I know that living down the street from the post office means getting my mail faster. But I didn't know that meant as early as 8:30 a.m.! Or is it possible that the mail service hours are different because of the holidays? Hmmm....


Of course, I could try putting the mail into the mailbox the night before, but Jason is convinced this is not safe. And not having a vehicle to drive means I have to rely on someone else to drop them off at the post office for me. Also, I know I could just walk to the post office, but this cold weather has me thinking twice before I take the baby out in the stroller. I could bundle her up like crazy but then again, it might look like a rotten thing for me to do to her just to get stuff mailed.


I am going to take a cue from Jason and start getting up at 5 a.m. whenever I need stuff mailed. I used to ask him to put stuff into the mailbox for me on his way out to work, but there have been times he forgot. And, of course, I ended up getting angry letters from businesses with a huge "PAY ME!!!!" plastered all over them. So I'm going to start getting up at 5 to put them into the mailbox myself. Mail can't come that early!


I am going to get stuff mailed even if it kills me. This little "early bird" thing the mail carrier is doing has meant I haven't been able to mail things I need to. And now that I have to mail a huge stack of Christmas cards, I am going to get them mailed no matter how early I have to get up to catch the mail carrier. It's on!!


Remembering the good things.   (12-28-03)

My cousin, Dawn Carver (Mark's sister), recently read my last blog entry. She understood the hard time I was having in moving on after Mark's passing and related to it, sharing with me her own difficulty in moving on, too. Here is someone who knew Mark much more better than I did, who was his sister. And who loved him more than a lot of other people who are grieving this loss. I know that his other sisters and brothers are grieving his passing, too.

But there is one thing about her recent e-mail to me that really had a profound affect. It was her telling me how remembering her good times with Mark makes the pain a little less harsh. The things he would do -- tell a stranger his name was Bruce Wayne, sing in the shower, talk on the phone in a silly voice or play the rap music he loved so much -- are all memories that she has left to cherish of her baby brother. And she said in her e-mail, "we lost a great man but heaven gained a great comedian." 

I cherish my memories of him, too. I will never forget Mark. None of us will. He will always be that shining light in our hearts, there for us in our sadness, laughing with us as we laugh at things, too, and enjoying life as we enjoy it. He will never be forgotten. And as we relish in our good memories of him, they will have made the gift he gave us of his lifetime all the more worthwhile.


Wasn't she great? (01-06-04)

Last night I finally, FINALLY got to see the movie, "Isn't She Great?" I have tried to see this movie several times but never could catch it in time. And last night, I did. I am glad for it, as I enjoyed it a lot and could relate in many ways.

Now, I've never read Valley of the Dolls (my mom has) nor have I seen the movie. Both things are on my list. But I did not watch this movie as a reader or fan; I watched it as a writer. Like I said, I could relate to this movie in a lot of ways and from the writer's point-of-view, it really got me thinking.

As Jacqueline is writing her first book, her many initial attempts on paper were trashed. At first I thought it was because she was never satisfied with the writing and that's probably what it was. But then we see her at work at a typewriter, feverishly typing (and including some of the same things she'd trashed). One would think that this could only mean she found the method of writing she was comfortable with: Typing. Some writers write better with pen and paper, others with a computer, laptop or old fashioned typewriter (I'm in the former camp here, except when it comes to this blog). This is true for many writers. But this also shows that what she initially thought of as "trash," which she ended up using later, wasn't really trash at all. She just needed to find the writing tool that worked best for her in order to allow herself to create.

Also, in a later part of the movie, her editor, Michael, complains about them promoting a book where there aren't any bookstores. I don't think an author should limit their book promotion to bookstores. Indeed, coffee houses, public parks, school readings and conferences are all great ways to promote your book. Additionally, a lack of a bookstore is an ideal opportunity for an author to get creative with their book promotion. There is one editor of a newsletter holding a contest to see which subscriber can come up with the most creative way to promote their book. I'm anxious to see the suggestions because I think we authors need to use any and every way we can think of to get our books noticed. And something creative and unique can really catch the media attention that we desperately need. Of course these attempts will be labeled as "publicity stunts," but if it's enough to get our book noticed, I'm game. I used to think it was low of one author the actress Jennifer Aniston is friends with to ask her to read her book on an episode of Friends. But, hey, it's free publicity.

Another thing about this story that got my attention was the part about Jacqueline's book being so "controversial" and different. The thing about books: "Controversial" means sales." If someone writes a book society deems "forbidden," it's going to be gobbled up like candy. It has that "sinful" appeal to it that will pique more readers' interests. Nowadays, everything has been done. Everything has been written about. Authors need to come up with fresh ideas, fresh material and fresh subjects. We need to marry genres, divorce rules of grammar and write "outside of the box." A challenge, yes, but this shouldn't mean such attempts will equal a book that won't sell. Ironically, it may sell very well, or not. But the point is that just because a book may be controversial, that doesn't mean that society will think it is, too. No matter how much certain people detested Jacqueline's book or handed it over with a stoic rejection, it still managed to touch a nerve, get a reaction and allow people to relate to it in some way. The moment Michael's father said, "I am Lyon Burke," I said, "She's got it."

This was a great movie and I recommend it to every writer struggling to get their book published. Jacqueline never gave up on her dreams of getting published. She never gave up on her book. Neither should you.


My patience is about to XPire! (02-08-04)


For the record, the above last word is not a typo. I decided to kill two birds with one stone: Get a title in there that accurately showed my frustrations while also mentioning Windows XP.

Yup, folks, you've guessed it: We have finally surrendered to the almighty Microsoft Army and upgraded to XP on the computer.

Up until now, XP has been something I "played around with" on my sister's computer, secure in knowing that a more familiar, comfortable program awaited me on the computer I use at home. Now XP has invaded that comfort and I am now put to the task of trying to get used to it.

But to tell you the truth, I'm not really used to it just yet. In fact, I've come this close to taking an ax to the %$@# computer.

For one thing, I am not able to use Word on XP. Not yet, anyway; thanks to Uncle Bill, we have to use a newer version of Microsoft Word. Can we say "unfair"? I just know that the minute we buy this new Word and finish uploading it, we'll get an error message telling us it's littered with bugs or we'll have to buy YET ANOTHER program to compliment it! We have tried using the Word program that we have, but no luck. And, as shocking as this news may be, we are still living to talk about it. I can just see it all now: The Microsoft Task Force surrounding my house with bullhorns at the ready, their laconic voices droning out, "You are attempting to use an obsolete program with Windows XP. Desist at once. Resistance is futile."

As a working writer, I can't expect editors to compromise with whatever word processing software I use to submit work with. Oh, sure, I can write on just about anything. But when it comes to the work, it has to be done in MS Word (gotta number those pages, after all!) and now I can't do anything on the computer until we get the new Word installed. It is driving me CRAZY!!! To add insult to injury, I have an article due in a few days. Argh!

Another complaint I have with XP is the funky appearance of the windows. If one window refuses to show a toolbar, another has all of these Borg-like colors in the frames. Yes, I realize we can customize the colors and I have tried to do that very thing. Yet when it comes to customizing, the colors offered either make me blind or give me a headache in trying to see the dang words. Additionally, that "bullet-like" look it has when I click on dots has left me feeling confused a time or two. Honestly, I don't know whether I should keep clicking or reload.

Yes, XP is, for the most part, better than Win 2000. It's faster (a plus!) and easier to sort through all of my various files. But when it comes down to what I really need from a good PC program, it just doesn't add up. Hm, I wonder if the computer at the library has Word and Internet access??

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly. (04-23-04)


This week has been a real whirlwind for me. I was on an emotional roller coaster as I struggled with a sensitive story, frazzled by trying to write my novel (I've gotten to where I can't even LOOK at the thing without throwing up) and miraculously, finally, wrapping up my second nonfiction book.


It's taken me all year but now BURNING THE MIDNIGHT OIL: How We Survive as Writing Parents is done. Well, the first volume, at least. I really had fun connecting with all of those writing parents included in the book and I am grateful to myself for having taken on this project. I spent a good part of yesterday working on the first appendix now I have to do the second one today. As happy as I am that it's finished, I know there's still a long ways to go what with getting it published and promoted. But I'm ready for that phase now. At least I can finally focus on my next nonfiction book!


I am also glad that the week is over. I just finished a big assignment for SIGNews, a real sensitive story. It's a big one, too, though I must admit I was kinda fearful about it getting published because of the dangers it might mean for me. But it's a story that has to be told. It was hard because a little boy was being abused, and as a parent that did a big number on me. I kept in touch with the very distraught father and the phone calls and e-mails always left me feeling upset. The story really got me upset but I wrote it, turned it in, edited it, got pics to my editor for it and now it is done. It will be published May 1st. I know we can't get attached to our stories but this one, this story, really did get to me. I tried everything to forget about it or to just think about something else. But I never could. Even now, I get upset just THINKING about it. I can only hope that the story getting published will mean that family getting some help. I'd rather not go into too many details here but you can read all about it soon enough at the SIGNews Web site: http://www.signews.org/ I'm just glad that it is over. But you know the saying: "It ain't over 'til it's over."


Another thing to happen this week: I recently read a letter by a female truckdriver who went on and on about the adventures she's had as a trucker. She's given birth on the road (in a truck, no less!) and she even homeschools her son on the road. They make their home in their truck, travelling across the country with their dog, appropriately named "Roadie." It made me remember my own experiences moving all the time all over the U.S. Ever since I was a baby, my family has been of the nomadic sort. Seriously, our family's song could very well be Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again." Anytime someone asks me "what's your hometown?" my stock answer is, "Everywhere!" Not that I hated it, though. Oh, sure. I hated leaving my friends and going to five different schools in half a year. But I loved being on the road. And this lady's letter brought back some great memories for me. I suddenly wanted to sell off all of my possessions, buy an RV and take Jennifer on the road with me everywhere. Jason wouldn't have to worry about his job anymore and we could live on the road, experiencing life in different states across the country. But then a harsh reminder came to mind: THE OUTRAGEOUS COST OF GAS!! Those fantasies swiftly disappeared from my mind. The prospect of never having to worry about paying rent again was now replaced with the prospect of starving to death because all of our money would go towards fueling our home on wheels. We would go very broke very fast. Oh, well. All those exhaust fumes would only pollute the environment, anyway. It was a nice dream.


The onset of summer.   (05-30-04)

In last week's WriteSuccess newsletter, editor and publisher Mary Anne Hahn noted that the Memorial Day weekend is "seen as the official start of the summer season." I guess Mother Nature has picked up on this assumption: It is 110 degrees outside today. When I saw that reading, at 10:30 a.m. this morning, two words came into my mind: "It begins." Up until now, the temperature has conveniently stayed under 101 degrees. When you live in the desert, that's something you start to feel grateful for (and may even be shocked by). Yet today's reading only shows that higher temps are now what we will have until late August. I wouldn't be surprised if that temp climbs today; the temp outside has been known to get higher with each hour before. Won't be long before I see the temp read 115 -- or even 120.

And for the record, I have to laugh at anyone who complains that it's hot if it's only 98 degrees outside. Really, after you live in the desert a while, you consider anything over 103 to be "hot." Anything less than that is "nice." Just yesterday, it was 100 degrees outside and I told Jason, "It's nice out." (And it really was!)

Anyway, on to other stuff: You know those commercials on TV, about how that Colgate Total toothpaste is number one? I believe it! Man, I use that stuff, I can actually FEEL the clean! It is great. And I'm still heavy on the coffee drinking. Heh.

Last week, I was busy trying to wrap up some writing projects I had on my plate. I got most of it done; still have two other articles to turn in for SIGNews. But most of the articles I had on the table that were requested by editors were written and turned in. (I've started to feel like Bullwinkle, ready to chime, "Hey, Rocky, watch me pull an article out of my hat!") It was a good week for me, despite getting a rejection by a major mag. But it was still a good one; I got more acceptances and more editors' interest than I've ever had before. That'll help later on when the checks come in! I savored every moment of it, because these "good weeks" don't happen very often. Believe me, I know what it's like to have nothing but rejections. Those times are real hard. So, it was nice to have such a productive and lucrative week.

I also worked my bum off to finish up everything for another reason. I have a big story coming up. One of those "hard news" stories. I don't want to give too much away; I will only say that it involves something that teens have committed suicide over. It's pretty bad. I am NOT looking forward to this. Oh, sure, the check will be nice, but, just as I had such a hard time writing that story about Jovani for SIGNews, I will have a hard time writing this one. It's another one of those "David vs. Goliath" stories and while by now I'm not afraid to write an expose against this Goliath, I know that I will have a hard time eating, sleeping and living because of what is happening to these kids. It will affect me as a parent.  It will affect me as a member of what is supposed to be a society that cares about our children.  It will affect me as a person.

When I was first contacted to write this story, I sat back in the chair and marveled, "Where DO these people find me?" I had just gotten an e-mail from Jovani's stepmother telling me all about what her stepson is going through, and then I read this e-mail about this other VBT happening to children.

Not that I'm complaining. I'm glad these people feel comfortable enough to approach me to write their stories for them. They are stories that need to be told. And stories that WILL be told, no matter how much sleep I end up losing as I write them.

The downside of the professional writing life.   (06-10-04)


My publisher warned me.  "Don't do any formatting," she said. And I should've listened. I REALLY should have listened. Because now I am sitting here, grinding my teeth and contemplating throwing my head into the monitor.


But just like with doctors' orders, I ignored every word. I thought, "Gee, why not save her the trouble?" and set to work, formatting my MIDNIGHT OIL book. And ... let me just say ... right here and now ... I HATE FORMATTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!


I have realized something. In my lifelong wars with the computer, I have finally realized something. I DO NOT want to get into book printing. Seriously. I may self-publish my poetry books, but you know what? I'm content with it because SOMEBODY ELSE formats the manuscript. I just WRITE IT and pay for the publication. End of story. But I will not make formatting books for publication a career. NO THANK YOU! I am happy enough to just WRITE the books. Let somebody else format them. Like Homer Simpson is fond of asking, "Why can't someone else do it?" Not me. Blech.


Why anyone would invite this job, I will never know. Yesterday, I printed out one of my other books. I numbly sat in the desk chair, staring at that giant stack of a book, and mumbling, "Wow. I wrote all of that?" (And THIS is for all those times the UPS guy caught me barefoot and still wearing sweats, at 3:00 in the afternoon.) The idea of formatting the whole darn thing is enough to make me want to jump out a window. There's only one other time in my life something made me want to REALLY throw myself out of a window. This is another time. NO WAY I would fomat this thing for publication. NO WAY! Let someone else do it. Not me.


Now I know why it takes so long to get a book published. It takes time for all of those brave souls at all of those those publishing companies get all of those manuscripts formatted.  It's a tedious and hand-wringing job, but they get it done -- eventually.



Weekends?? We don't need no stinking weekends!!  (07-08-04) 

Something an author said in my Midnight Oil book sticks in my mind: "This is a 24/7 job."  Boy, is THAT ever true! Because it seems that no matter how many times I tell my sister "I'm taking this weekend off--FOR SURE!!" each time Friday gets here, there's always more work waiting for me on Saturday morning. And since I'm paranoid that editors and publishers will forget all about who I am and what I can do for them in just 24 hours, I sit down at the desk and get cracking.

It's been about a month since I've had a weekend to relax and not do ANYTHING relating to my job as a writer. And, as it is now, I'll be spending this weekend putting together the third issue of my E-zine and postdating it to go out next week. It usually goes out on the 15th each month but since I'm taking next week off due to a death in the family, I have to put it together now so I don't get flamed by subscribers if it's late. (I always take a week off when there is a death in the family. This is absolutely non-negotiable.)

Of course, writers never really take a "day off." We're still writing even if we're not writing. We're constantly looking for new things to write about, even when we don't realize we are. We can't help it; it's how a writer is. Well, a real one, anyway. :) It is how we "function." But when I say I'm taking a day (or weekend) off, that means I'm not sending out any queries, working on assignments or hunting down new markets to send work to. THAT is pretty much what I mean when I say I'm taking time off. Because, inevitably, a day won't go by where I'm not writing and thinking up new ideas for things to write about.

Some writers are die-hard when it comes to this job. They are the zealous type who think you must always, ALWAYS be putting yourself out there 24/7. Er, and this DOES NOT include the above-mentioned author, who also happens to be my highly intelligent, extremely beautiful and multi-talented publisher. (Shameless sucking up here!! LOL) She only works weekends if she HAS to. But what I mean is that SOME writers think that we can't take a day or week off. That we have to CONSTANTLY be working. But, not me. No way. I'm a mom first and if my time with my child starts to suffer, then I drop my project to spend time with her. I also try to make time for myself, like reading books, watching my favorite show and indulging my passion for cooking. I think that these times away from our work is important. It's important to enjoy life and part of enjoying life means taking time away from your job to get out there into the world, spending time with your family and friends and, more importantly, spending time with yourself.

So, even if I don't get a weekend off, at least I'll have an hour or two in the day, each day, to devote to my child and myself. And, oh, yeah, my hubby. Can't forget him. LOL

And maybe that's enough to equal one whole "weekend" of free time.

Thinking as an editor, groaning as a writer.  (08-13-04)


With the burnout experience still on my mind, I worried that I wouldn't be able to get ANYTHING done this week.  That my muse would still be rebelling and that I'd just gotten too comfortable to doing anything else BESIDES writing and working as a writer.  But, fortunately, I ended up jumping right back into the writing game on Sunday, starting my work week just a day early.


And what a week it has been!!


Monday saw me reading through submission after submission for Skyline Magazine.  I have been enjoying being one of the two poetry editors at Skyline (and constantly marvelling at how alike my co-editor, Tom Sterner-Howe, and I are when it comes to selecting poetry) but I have also learned from it, too.  Sure I learned quite a bit during my editing/publishing stint with American Bard, and even now with my E-zine, but this is different.  I don't know why, but it just is.  For one thing, I'm starting to THINK like an editor.  And while that may be a good thing, it's really not so good, because I'm thinking like THE WRONG KIND OF EDITOR!!! You know, the editor just WAITING to find one thing wrong with a submission to make them reject it.  The editor seeing right away, at line two, that this poem is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG for us.  And the kind of editor that is electing to rather NOT send out those rejections, but it's mainly because there are a ton of poetry submissions and I just don't have the time to personally type each one.  But maybe it would be best to draft up a standard rejection.  Except with this one, I'll take the time to type in the submitter's name instead of "Dear Writer" or "Dear Poet." Ugh, I hate those standard rejections that start with "Dear Writer." And, for another thing, this editing position has really REALLY opened my eyes to the fact that A LOT OF PEOPLE fail to follow the guidelines. ARGH! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! And one person who submitted poetry addressed his letter with, "Dear Madam."  Ohh-kay.  (I actually talked about this failure to follow guidelines at the Absolute Write Water Cooler:  http://p197.ezboard.com/fabsolutewritefrm17.showMessage?topicID=192.topic )


Another thing that happened this week is that, because I had four articles to write, I ended up interviewing A LOT of people. Gosh, I've never had so many interviews in one day so many days out of the week as I did this one! I almost lost track of everyone and I even had to reread my previous e-mails for a couple of them to remember who they were and what we were talking about.  And even though my brain was screaming for a break, I had to once again interview another person for another article.


Also this week:  I happened to get noticed by a group owner on Yahoo! (And that's my own exclamation point, not part of the site's name.)  I thought that was pretty cool.  I was checking my e-mail in one of my accounts with that site and I saw one with the subject line "Interesting article on homeschooling." And I thought, "Hm, I've written articles about homeschooling. Wonder what this one is." So I opened it ... and was soon reading the words, "My friend gave me an old copy of the SIGNews newspaper and there's an article in there by Dawn Colclasure, who is a contributor to the paper."  Whoa! They were talking about MY article!! All 84 members of that group were being told to check out my article.  I really brightened over this and thought, "Hey, that's me!"  Sweet!


Nearly a month ago, I e-mailed a query to the editor of Women's Health & Fitness Magazine, about how carbs are not the evil demons the low-carb dieting craze makes them seem to be and how carbs can actually be a vital part of a physically active person's diet.  I never got a response to my query, and I thought the editor was probably inundated with queries as it was.  But after I finally got their sample issue this week, I'm beginning to think it might have to do with another reason.  Because, as I looked through that sample issue, guess what I saw?  Ad after ad for ... low carb foods!!! ARGH!!!! THERE IS NO ESCAPING A DIETING CRAZE!!!  Oh, well.  I only hope the editor will at least give me a sporting chance.  I did get an idea for another article to pitch to them in the event of a rejection and I even have a third one.  We will see.


But something else happened this week that REALLY made me groan.  It actually made me want to bang my head against the desk.  Some time ago, MONTHS ago, I submitted a poem to this company in Oregon that prints poems and short fiction on coffee can labels.  But as it would happen, I forgot all about that and submitted the poem AGAIN!! It was accepted and published on the Web.  Later, I found out about this snafu and then I thought, "Well, maybe they'll reject it."  Guess what?  They didn't.  They wanted to buy my poem and print it on their coffee cans.  For the first time in my writing career, I released a loud groan over an acceptance.  I started to think my way out of this, because this was a really sweet deal!  I don't know HOW many cans my poem will be printed on, but I can imagine a lot!  At least, I hope a lot... But, anyway.  I started to think.  What rights did I still have to the poem?  The Web site states that writers still own all rights, but, technically, the poem has already been published.  Hm, published on the WEB.  This is OUTSIDE of First International Rights and First North American Rights; this is First Electronic Rights. ELECTRONIC.  Something they weren't interested in buying.  No, they didn't want to publish my poem on the Web; they wanted to publish it IN PRINT.  And First North American PRINT Rights are rights THAT I STILL HAVE!!! So, maybe there is hope after all! I sent a reply to the editor explaining the situation. I only hope she still wants to use my poem.  That would be cool.


But something REALLY, REALLY cool, awesome, fabulous, just GREAT happened this week!!! I finally learned the release date for one of my nonfiction books!!! HOORAY!!!!! My book, 365 Tips For Writers, is scheduled for release December 15th!! I had to do a happy dance after reading that!!! And quickly log onto my Yahoo! account to tell EVERYONE about it!! And later I realized something even better about that date:  IT'S JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! Perfect!!!!  I am soo, soo, SOOO amazingly EXCITED!! I cannot wait to hold that book in my hands!! And then tell everyone within shouting distance about it....


Today I had an interesting experience, though.  Not so much of a groaner but ... a challenge.  I had an article to turn in today.  But, I also had something else to do:  Help my mom out with organizing her living room, which I promised to do last week.  I was ready to call her up and say something like, "Sorry, Mom, but I really need to finish this last article up."  But then I thought of how disappointed she would be.  And of how I am not the type of person to take anything, or anyone, for granted.  So I came up with a solution that worked out pretty well for me.  I printed out my interviews in the morning, grabbed my notebook and went to my mom's.  After I finished her living room, and when I had a free moment, I sat down to underline what quotes I would use and then I wrote the outline for my article.  Then, after I got home, I typed up the article and sent it in.  Bada-bing, bada-bang!  Success!  And NO ONE was disappointed, either.


Well, except for my brain.  After all, I did promise it some rest...



Weekly Rants

You will find my "rant of the week" on the WEEKLY RANTS page. Warning: Everything is up for discussion on this page. The rants are entirely my own opinions. If I offend anyone, take a gander at that there Constitution!

A Light Gone Out Too Soon


For Mark Carver

Let us take a moment now

To bow our heads in prayer.

To remember a man so many loved.

A man no longer there.


With the innocence of a child

And a heart made out of gold,

Mark lived and laughed and loved.

He was a treasure to behold.


And now that he is gone away,

Taken from beneath the moon,

Let us honor him and remember him

For his light's gone out too soon.


Like every light, Mark shone with strength.

He was a bright ray of light everywhere he'd go.

His light never wavered in the face of troubles

And he touched everyone he'd know.


His light was full of joy and beauty

And a friendliness not so easily found.

If you were ever sad or feeling lonely,

He was there to pick you up off of the ground.


You could count on him to give you an extra hand.

To know him was a great boon.

And now he will be loved in all of our memories

As his light has gone out too soon.


--By Dawn Colclasure

December, 2003


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