This page is devoted to regular, dated entries by me that cover my experiences as a first-time parent. I am slowly but
surely learning everything all of those seasoned moms out there already know. An added challenge for me is that I am
a deaf parent with an additional physical disability (my left hand has only three fingers as a result of a car accident
and subsequent surgery). I am the mother of a 4-year-old daughter, Jennifer.
Jennifer and I, New Year's, 2006 |
Now get the book!

Being a deaf parent isn’t just about not being able to hear
anything—it’s more. From limited access to information in the medical establishments to daily challenges in dealing
with discrimination and communication hurdles, the world of deaf parenting is one fraught with trials, fears and tribulations
that no other parenting experience will offer. But at the same time, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Deaf parents
CAN conquer those trials, they CAN overcome those fears and they CAN work around those tribulations in order to make deaf
parenting work.
Parenting Pauses will give readers, both deaf and hearing, an inside
look into the world of one deaf parent, along with some tips and techniques learned along the way.