Born in California, Dawn Colclasure is the third of seven children. Growing up in a large
family and constantly moving from one home to the next sharpened her storytelling skills as she often told stories to pass
the time. She is a burn survivor, having been in a vehicle accident at the age of 20 months old and suffering third degree
burns on her face and left arm. For this reason, she has had to undergo several reconstructive operations at hospitals in
Southern California, Northern California and New York. The amazing work of Dr. A. Richard Grossman, Harry J. Buncke and Dr.
Elliott Rose have helped her regain some use of her left hand and helped her scarring to heal. Because of these gifted doctors,
she will be eternally grateful to them and will never forget those who are no longer a part of this world.
She started writing as a young child when encouraged by a hospital nurse to write poems
into a journal, and from there she went on to write short stories, articles, book-length fiction and songs. She later started
writing plays and skits. Today she has written books, articles, essays and poems published in regional and national media,
including on the World Wide Web. She has also written under the pen name Dana Mitchells.
At the age of 13, Dawn was sickened with spinal meningitis, which left her deaf. In later
years, she became profoundly deaf, losing what little hearing remained.
Despite attending several schools since her family was moving from one home to another,
she attended only one college, College of the Desert in Palm Desert, California, studying for a degree in journalism.
She has a variety of interests. Her experiences with ghosts and hauntings produced an interest
in the paranormal, and a dream experience that she had which lasted for several years is what created an interest in dream
analysis and symbolism. Because she has lived in a haunted house, she wrote a series of articles on haunted houses for the
Shadowlands website, and the articles were the start of what became the nonfiction book, TOTALLY SCARED: The Complete
Book on Haunted Houses which ahe co-authored with Martha Jette. Her dream experience resulted in her novel November's
Child, republished as Shadow of Samhain by Gypsy Shadow Publishing. She is also interested in science, especially
astronomy, as well as psychology, religion, culture, parenting, wildlife and history. She loves animals, especially dogs,
wolves and horses, and enjoys going for walks in her spare time. She also likes to read books on a variety of subjects and
travel whenever and wherever possible.
Dawn has worked as a freelance writer, journalist, book reviewer, editor and ghostwriter.
She briefly worked as a marketing rep for an independent publishing company. She was the founder of the poetry club, Circle
of Poets, in Palm Desert, California, and edited the club’s magazine, American Bard. She has contributed articles to
The Desert Sun (Palm Springs, CA) newspaper, and was a staff writer for the newspaper SIGNews, a newspaper for the
deaf/HOH. She also wrote about the paranormal for the website, The Shadowlands.
She has authored print and electronic books. Her books include 365 TIPS FOR WRITERS:
Inspiration, Writing Prompts and Beat the Block Tips to Turbo Charge Your Creativity, BURNING THE MIDNIGHT OIL: How
We Survive as Writing Parents, Love is Like a Rainbow: Poems of Love and Devotion, Songs of the Dead
and The Yellow Rose. Her ebook, On the Wings of Pink Angels: Triumph, Struggle and Courage Against Breast Cancer,
is a semi-anthology and the sales of this ebook will benefit the charity, Courageous Kids.
Dawn is married and the mother of two children, Centauri and Jax. In 2017, after surviving
a near-fatal illness related to years of alcoholism, she finally quit drinking for good and has been sober for three years.
She is currently working as a ghostwriter and freelance writer. She enjoys writing books on a variety of subjects and in a
variety of genres. She lives in Oregon.
Check out her books on the paranormal.

There’s a ghost town then there’s a "ghost" town! A
Ghost on Every Corner is a collection of stories from paranormal investigators who have done investigations in some of America’s
most haunted cities. Read about the ghost haunting a restaurant in Galena, Illinois, or about a Gettysburg Battlefield ghost
who follows an investigator home! There’s also Marilyn Monroe’s ghost haunting the famous Roosevelt Hotel, a ghost
violently attacking an investigator at the Sallie House and the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe’s adoptive father angrily pushing
an investigator down the stairs! You’ll also get to read historical (as well as ghostly!) information about places such
as The Alamo, Myrtles Plantation and the famous BirdCage Theatre. Walk with investigators located across the country as they
gather evidence about ghosts and go where no other would dare to tread!
Check out this review of A Ghost on Every Corner
at Night Owl Reviews!

Have you been abducted? After reading this book you will know for
sure. Along with an extensive list of indicators, learn just who these aliens really are and what they want from us. You will
be quite surprised! Read terrifying true-life accounts from folks in a variety of walks in life who in many cases are still
being abducted. You will also learn what services are available to help you cope with this frightening and unwanted covert
activity in your life.
NOTE: To get the Kindle version of this book, go
Here is some other work I have done. Find more at the "My online work" link in the navigation bar at the
My Essays
Series of articles written for the E-zine Griper. Articles appeared in "College Life" and "Society and Culture" departments.

Read about my moving advice in this book! |

Read all about what I learned from my marriage in this book! |
How to Survive Your Marriage
By Hundreds of Happy Couples Who Did
ISBN: 0-9746292-4-3
March 2005
6 x 9, trade paperback
Hundreds of Heads Books, Inc.
Please like my Facebook page.
What's New?
10-20-05: Skyline, Poetry Lane Magazine and SpinningS:intense tales of life, have all shut down.
9-11-05: I was interviewed for the September feature of the E-newsletter, The Book Lover's Haven.
Check out this powerful, inspiring E-newsletter here:
9-1-05: I want to make a special "shout out" to my good REAL friend and fellow writing mom, Shaunna
Privratsky! Shaunna has recently done me a huge, wonderful and GENEROUS favor and it means all the world to me that she has
taken such a risk to help me out during a hard time. Shaunna, you are a wonderful, true friend. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU!!!
Please check out Shaunna's site for GREAT writing articles and amazing books at:
8-22-05: I have recently become a part of the editorial advisory board of the Disability, Pregnancy
& Parenthood international (DPPi) Journal. You can check them out here:
8-18-05: I was recently included in an article on deaf parents of hearing children in Connect For
Kids Magazine. The article is by Robert Capriccioso. Here is the link: For the record, I did not tell Mr. Capriccioso I am a single parent, but that will be happening soon enough.
7-19-05: I have just been informed that Atriad Press will publish my story, "The House on Christopher
Drive," in their forthcoming book, Haunted Encounters: Living in a Haunted House.
7-1-05: I was interviewed to be included in the book, How to Survive A Move By Hundreds
of Happy People Who Did I appear in there under the name Dawn Colclasure-Wilson. This book was published by Hundreds
of Heads Books. You can read my experiences with moving in this book. Check out Hundreds of Heads Books here: The book is hot off the press and can be ordered here: It is also available through Amazon and other bookstore retailers on- and offline. If your bookstore doesn't have it,
you can ask them to order it.
7-1-05: I was interviewed to be included in the book, How to Survive Your Marriage By
Hundreds of Happy Couples Who Did* *(and some things to avoid, from a few ex-spouses who didn’t) I appear
in there under the name Dawn Colclasure-Wilson. This book was published by Hundreds of Heads Books. You can read my experiences
with my marriage and what I learned in this book which Hundreds of Heads calls "a great stand-alone read, but it’s also
a wonderful companion book to other so-called "expert" types of marriage manuals. Its light-hearted approach and focus on
the stories of everyday people make it an easy read and pain-free therapy for anxious newlyweds or struggling couples."
1-6-05 My poem, "I'll Give You the Moon," was accepted for inclusion in the forthcoming anthology,
12-31-04 365 TIPS FOR WRITERS is featured as a "Member's Book of the
Week" in NAWW Weekly.
12-15-04: 365 TIPS FOR WRITERS: Inspiration, Writing Prompts and Beat The Block Tips to
Turbocharge Your Creativity has been released! Check it out here:
12-2-04 Peter Bowerman ( ), who wrote the Foreword for my forthcoming book, 365 Tips For Writers: Inspiration, Writing Prompts and Beat The
Block Tips to Turbo Charge Your Creativity, gave the book a mention in the December issue of his E-zine, Well-Fed E-PUB.
As a longtime subscriber to the E-PUB, I've found it to be a valuable read each and every month. It's definitely worth checking
out! (Click "Ezine" to subscribe to this FREE monthly newsletter.) His books are awesome reads, too!
11-21-04 Book Page has been added.
10-29-04 Topiary Dreams is published! Stay tuned for a link on this
site where it can be purchased online! For regular mail orders, please E-mail me at Price is $6 each.
10-05-04 My new book is now available for purchase! Check out BURNING THE MIDNIGHT OIL: How
We Survive as Writing Parents here!
09-29-04 Read an excerpt to Topiary Dreams, my poetry chapbook! Visit the above link.
08-28-04 My poetry chapbook, Topiary Dreams, will be making a comeback very soon! I'll
make it available for purchase through here, when I have everything set up.
08-15-04 My E-zine, Burning the Midnight Oil Book Zine, was recently chosen
as one of the editor's picks in the Zinester News newsletter
08-11-04 The release date for my book, 365 Tips for Writers will
be December 15th.
06-15-04 I have just been named one of the Poetry Editors for Skyline Magazine.
05-05-06, Inc., will publish my book, BURNING THE MIDNIGHT OIL: How
We Survive as Writing Parents, through their POD program.
03-02-04 My first nonfiction book, 365 Tips for Writers, has been accepted for publication
by Filbert Publishing.
12-30-03 I will be self-publishing Topiary Dreams and all future poetry chapbooks.
Until I get a PayPal account set up (as well as a special page for poetry books), you can order your copy by e-mailing me
(info below). My next poetry book, a collection of love poems, is scheduled for publication in February, 2005.
12-24-03 has shut down. If you would like a copy of my poetry chapbook, Topiary
Dreams, please send an e-mail with "Topiary Dreams" in the subject line to with your request. The cost of the book is $4, which includes shipping. Thank you.
10-21-03 I have just learned that copies of the Premiere issue of SIGNews has sold out. If anyone
would like a copy of my article which appeared in it, send me an e-mail with your address. Thanks!
10-18-03 My poetry chapbook, topiary dreams, has been accepted for publication by